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Hundreds turn out to support ALS research in Tallahassee; hear from those who walked an important walk

  • A fundraiser to raise money to find a cure for ALS was held on Saturday at Leon High School.
  • Over 250 people showed up to walk laps in support of the cause.
  • Watch the video above to see to the reaction from community members.


“It’s very touching obviously… I've been trying to hold back tears all day, just out of pure love.”

Doris Dunlap was the focus on Saturday morning.

She was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in March… also known as ALS.

It’s a nervous system disease that weakens the muscle and impact's physical function…

“I couldn’t help but cry… seeing the hurt on my family; my kids, that’s what tore me up the most.”

Doris tells me what went through her mind after receiving the news…

“Shock is what we were.”

Saturday, more than 250 community members gathered at Leon High School for the laps for Dunlap fundraiser event…

The goal?

To raise $30,000.

“It almost brings tears to my eyes to be honest with you. I didn’t expect to have this much support, I mean you cannot phrase it, you can’t word it. It’s humbling and it’s moving.”

That was Sara Dunlap, Doris’ daughter.

She was telling me how the scene on Saturday made her feel.

“The sheer number of 250 people… that makes me feel good. That makes me feel as if the community does care about tackling this disease.”

Tackling the disease is what matters most, I got to talk with the Dunlap family about how important it is to spread awareness of ALS.

Taking a look at the numbers, According to the ALS Association 5,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed each year.

It’s something Sara Dunlap believes will be a challenge but she remains optimistic, “we know it’s going to be a hard road in front of us… the disease progresses really quickly but I wake up every day knowing that I get to see her today and spend time and cherish our time together. I also wake up every day hoping that today’s that day that there’s a cure.”

As for Doris she plans to remain positive for her family.

“You just don’t know what’s coming tomorrow… so take advantage of being with the people you love and doing the things you love to do.”