First To Know Weather


Tuesday evening First To Know forecast (01/10/2023)

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Tuesday evening First to Know forecast (01/10/2023)

Conditions this evening and tonight will be generally settled, with a lack of wind and gradually falling temperatures after sunset. We'll see more 50s and 40s appearing as the night goes on, and a few patchy clouds are expected to enter the area from the west. There is no rain threat. Forecast lows will be in the mid to low 40s. Warming will resume with adequate sunshine Wednesday and a few leftover clouds. Highs will climb into the 70s, about 10 degrees above average for most of us. Thursday, a late-day cold front will provide a round of rain that affects most areas through the late-night hours. A few thunderstorms will come along with the rain, with low-end chances for a few stronger or severe storms. The front brings in the next batch of chilly winter air in time for the weekend along with a return of full sunshine.

--Casanova Nurse, Chief Meteorologist