First To Know Weather


Thursday evening First To Know forecast (11/09/2023)

2022 slate first to know FTK

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — We'll keep conditions dry (as in rain-free) for another day or two in most areas, including this evening, as some upper clouds scoot by and temperatures remain on the mild side. Readings tonight will reach the 60s after sundown, on their way to lows in the mid 50s. Areas of fog will re-develop overnight, persisting through sunrise. Some sunshine will get through a veil of high clouds moving into the area Friday afternoon. Those clouds won't slow down the warming trend much; forecast highs range from the 70s at the coast to low to mid 80s inland. There will be less sunshine over the Veterans Day weekend as a front slips to the south. Moisture and cooler air will support times of cloudy sky with occasional sprinkles and showers. Highs will be in the 60s and 70s. Signals next week indicate some unsettled conditions with higher rain coverage by midweek, which would be helpful for parched, drought-stricken areas of the tri-state.

--Casanova Nurse, Chief Meteorologist