First To Know Weather


Saturday evening First to Know forecast (03/26/2022)

the weekend ahead (07/08/2022)
Posted at 3:15 PM, Mar 26, 2022
and last updated 2022-03-26 22:30:42-04
Saturday evening First to Know forecast (03/26/2022)

A steady flow of dry air on northwest breezes will maintain a cool late-March feel for the region and promote abundant sunshine for Sunday. Only a few stray clouds are expected. Evening temperatures will fall into the 60s and 50s, with forecast lows tonight dropping into the mid to upper 40s. Daytime highs will be in the 70s area-wide with occasional breezy conditions. Humidity values will stay low, causing a higher wildfire risk despite recent rainfall. Most of the upcoming week will feature a warming trend with patchy morning fog starting Tuesday. A storm system in the Deep South arrives here by Thursday with rain and some stronger thunderstorms. Clouds and showers will linger near or over the region into the following weekend.

—Casanova Nurse, Chief Meteorologist