First To Know Weather


Monday evening First To Know Tropics check (06/03/2024)

Atlantic basin satellite image (4pm 06/03/2024)
and last updated

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — There are presently no areas of unsettled weather that warrant any extra concern for development for the next few days ahead of us.

A reminder early in the season: Some long-range raw forecast data seen in the digital interwebs and social media universe can indicate a system trying to develop, but oftentimes, the freeze-frame or single-screen data lacks context and contrast with other forecast data sources that actually do not agree with what's being shared and shown.

First to Know Weather looks for trends and signals from various forecast data sources, not just one model version or a worst-case depiction. When something shows a legitimate near- or long-range concern, we will notify you accordingly through our numerous digital, online, and broadcast avenues.