TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Our area will be in a squeeze play between two areas of unsettled weather — one is located in the southern Gulf, helping to fling a corridor of deeper moisture toward the region, the other connected to a slower-moving front from the interior of the Deep South. These two zones will converge over our area over the next couple of days, leading to periodic showers, rain, and thunderstorms and a limited amount of daytime sunshine. Nighttime temps will be milder, with lows near 70°, and highs Tuesday will be capped in the 80s by broader cloudiness and fewer breaks of sun. Rain action won't be continuous, but can be heavy when it occurs. Isolated flash flooding is possible in areas of repeated heavy rain. Some locations, especially near the coastline, can get a few rounds of rain through the next 48 hours, while it can be less frequent in southwestern Georgia neighborhoods. Patchy shower activity will linger through the end of the week, with slight drying being projected for the weekend with near-average temperatures.
—Casanova Nurse, Chief Meteorologist