First To Know Weather


Monday evening First To Know forecast (07/31/2023)

2022 slate first to know FTK
and last updated
Monday evening First to Know forecast (07/31/2023)

Drier air has caused the heat today to feel a bit less intense compared to yesterday, but still quite hot. The main source of cooling showers and storms will be in the eastern Big Bend and the Suwannee River valley where there's still enough moisture to pop local rain and thunder. An isolated storm can form this evening along the coastal seabreeze, but the more inland one is, the less likely there will be appreciable rain activity. Forecast temps will fall from the 90s through the 80s after sunset, into the mid and low 70s for eventual morning lows. Highs Tuesday will run into the mid and upper 90s as some dry air remains in inland locations, and the highest storm chances will be in the eastern Big Bend counties again. The heat-wave high-pressure zone retreats a bit to the west after midweek, which can allow disturbances to ride into the area from the northwest and trigger times of rain and stronger storms. This trend is forecast to break down the extra heat for a few afternoons.

—Casanova Nurse, Chief Meteorologist