First To Know Weather


Monday evening First To Know forecast (05/29/2023)

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Monday evening First to Know forecast (05/29/2023)

Temperatures are warm enough for scattered late-day clouds to develop. Not many showers will come from them, though, but we do have to consider the increasing chances for a few daytime showers and storms in the days to come. Tonight, though, will feature areas of clear sky and spotty clouds with readings falling more slowly into the 70s this evening, eventually getting to morning lows in the mid 60s. Sufficient sunshine Tuesday will warm temps well through the 80s and topping out around 90° as the sky becomes partly cloudy. A stray shower is possible. For midweek through Friday, a swirl of low pressure south of the region will stir up occasional cloudiness and a scattering of showers and storms for the Big Bend region, with slightly drier conditions in southern Georgia. The weekend returns to a drier and seasonably warm trend.

—Casanova Nurse, Chief Meteorologist