First To Know Weather


Monday evening First To Know forecast (05/01/2023)

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Monday evening First to Know forecast (05/01/2023)

We have a stretch of stable weather this week, featuring a lingering area of low pressure over the Ohio Valley, promoting a dry west to northwest wind pattern here, advancing dry air and few clouds in our region with virtually no rain chance tomorrow through the end of the work week. This evening's temperatures will fall from around 80° early on into the 60s before midnight. It'll be a little cooler than average with inland lows in the 50s. Tuesday will rebound to the low 80s in the afternoon with areas of full sunshine. West to northwest breezes will still be noticeably strong. Morning readings will fall back into the 50s for a few more mornings, straight through Friday, with daytime temps inching higher into the mid and upper 80s by the end of the work week. At that time, moisture to tick upward, and a slightly more humid feel with a chance of a couple of afternoon showers or storms will enter the forecast by the weekend and early next week.

—Casanova Nurse, Chief Meteorologist