

Second local storm-related death confirmed

Body Found

WORTH CO., GA (WALB) - One person has died after he fell off his home's roof in an attempt to remove something that fell on the roof, about 11:00 Monday morning.

The winds were gusting at about 69 miles an hour.

He fell through the roof and was pinned down at the house in the 200 block of Herring Road in Worth County.  This is south of the Gordy Community.

Ambulances and fire trucks had difficulty getting out there. When they got there, they were unable to assist him. 

Also Monday, WALB News 10 confirmed a second storm-related death.

An evacuee from Naples, Fla., died Sunday after he was struck by a vehicle at a rest area in Turner County a few days earlier, EMA Director Mark Robinson said.

The person driving the vehicle did not stop. The identity of the person who was killed has not been released.

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