

SECOND CUP: Crazy Fast Food Items

SECOND CUP: Crazy Fast Food Items
and last updated

MIDWAY, FL - Wednesday's Second Cup, the Sunrise Crew got a little hungry while talking about crazy fast food items out there on the menu.

The latest, Burger King's Mac & Cheetos.

It's like a mozzarella stick, but with mac & cheese inside a Cheetos dusted outer crust.

Some other wacky food items, Burger King's Halloween burger last year, where the bun was clack, and even dyed tongues black.

KFC's no bun option, the bun replaced by two fried chicken patties.

Krispy Kremes, breakfast burger. The glazed donuts used as the bun, with egg, burger patty and bacon.

Lastly. McDonald's McRib, a popular seasonal item.