

Leon High School gets positive with sticky notes


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL)- Students at Leon High School are encouraging positive posts online with a sticky note campaign.

"Be yourself." "You are important. You are beautiful." "Believe in you." "Don't worry, be happy." Those are the words written on tiny Post-it notes canvassed around Leon High School. When students arrived at school Friday morning, they were in for a positive reward.

2 students, with the help of student government, placed more than 3,000 sticky notes on every floor of the school, marking the first day of the "Positive Post-it" campaign. Many students were welcoming to the tiny pieces of colored paper stuck to the hallway walls and lockers.

"It was just kind of breathtaking to see like all of the positive things that people have to say because you never know what people go through," said freshman Brittany Colson.

Freshman Gabrielle Bradley said the Post-its started her day off right. "I'm not like a morning person so reading these positive notes on the wall really gave me a morning boost so I'm ready to start the day."

The goal of the campaign is to promote positivity on social media. So students can take a post-it, write kind words, and place it anywhere for other students to see."

The organizers of the event told ABC27 the reason behind the push for positivity.

"Since social media is such a big part of our lives with the new technology and everyone is always on their phone. We thought we might as well encourage the most positive use of that," said Caroline Kirk.

Elyse Thompson agreed. "You never know what could happen. And it's just instead of going with the anti-bullying route we decided to make it positive why not encourage positive posts."

The students hope they can broaden their campaign and spread it to the middle school level and even across the state.