

Gadsden County Job Fair

Gadsden Job Fair
and last updated

On Tuesday, April 28th CareerSource Capital Region will be hosting the 2015 GADSDEN COUNTY JOB FAIR at the Florida Public Safety Institute beginning at 10:00AM until 1:00PM. This event is possible thanks to collaboration between CareerSource Capital Region, the Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners and Big Bend Transit.

If you desire to attend the Job Fair, but have limited transportation, Big Bend Transit will be providing FREE transportation from the Winn Dixie located on West Jefferson Street in Quincy to the Job Fair site. Residents can easily connect to this free service by utilizing the Gadsden Connector from Chattahoochee, Gretna, Greensboro, Havana or Quincy or the Gadsden Express from Midway. You may utilize either of these services to travel to Winn Dixie and then transfer onto the free shuttle to the Job Fair.

For questions regarding transportation, please contact Big Bend Transit at 627-9958. For questions regarding the Job Fair, please contact CareerSource Capital Region at 875-4040.