

August's Difference Maker: Snoopy Delivers!

August's Difference Maker: Snoopy Delivers!
August's Difference Maker: Snoopy Delivers!
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QUITMAN, GA (WTXL) - Everybody knows your name in a small town like Quitman, Georgia.

August's Difference Maker has certainly made a name for herself going out of her way to help others.

"Lee and Pickels" has been in Quitman since 1935," said Kasey Knight, Owner of Lee and Pickels Drugs.

Not much has changed since Kasey Knight and his wife took over the neighborhood pharmacy 8 years ago.

That's for good reason, seeing that the role the little pharmacy fills in the community is vital.

"There's numerous people who just can't get here. We just want to take care of people," said Knight.

Not only has Lee and Pickels been delivering on customer service for the last 80 years in Quitman, Georgia, they also deliver. That's where Snoopy comes in.

"She gets here at 9, delivers from the time she walks in until the time she walks out the door," Knight said.

"I get to go and make sure everything is good. That there's no problems I could help see about. Taking them their medication. They have to have that to survive," said Patricia “Snoopy” Stanley.

Everyone calls Patricia Stanley by her nickname Snoopy.

She's worked for the pharmacy 5 years now.

When people see the little red car, you're guaranteed to get a wave and a smile.

"Pretty much wave at anybody and everybody," said Snoopy.

Despite, having two other big box pharmacies' in town Snoopy goes the extra mile and delivers. In fact, half of Lee and Pickels’ customers have never even stepped foot in the shop.

Snoopy brings their medications to their doorstep, because many of the customers are not well enough to pick them up at the store or can't drive, like Joann Johnson.

"She just started coming here. I never met her before and we we're just instantly friends,” said Joann Johnson.

Snoopy visits Miss Johnson once a week and she always brings a treat for her dog Lucy

"You can't be in a bad mood around Snoopy, she just picks you up,” said Johnson.

That couldn't be more true than when Miss Johnson was recently wheelchair-bound, she had Snoopy and her care keeper Eunice to keep her spirits high.

"Eunice and I kept encouraging her, telling her eventually she would come out of that wheelchair and she did three weeks ago,” said Snoopy.

There's more stories about Snoopy shared by others in the community.

“There's a story recently about an older lady who lives by herself, doesn't have a lot of family and she called and said Thank You so much for the meal that you brought to me. I had no idea what she was talking about, because Snoopy had just taken her dinner one night, just out of the kindness of her heart, and that's not uncommon, that happens regularly. I get phone calls all the time bragging on her and how much they care about her," said Knight.

"Everybody gives. Everybody cares for each other. There's a lot of love in this town," said Snoopy.

Whether it's a phone call or a little note, Snoopy's good deeds aren't going unnoticed.

That's why Snoopy is August's Difference Maker.

Do you want to nominate September’s Difference Maker? Just email us at and submit today!