MIDWAY, Fla. (WTXL) -- From the Storm Team Weather Center ...
The moisture, upper winds, and nearby stationary front have all contributed to excessive cloudiness today, along with rainy periods and a few thunderstorms. The soggy trend is likely to remain in place tonight through Friday, with slight adjustments in the target areas of showers and rain. The stream of moisture will remain oriented across the northern Gulf and Big Bend coastal zones tonight and most of tomorrow, so the widest swath of rain action is forecast to be located there, with more of a scattered, occasional fashion of rain chances north of the state line. Embedded storms are possible, but unlikely to be incredibly strong. Temperatures will be in the mid and lower 70s for lows, with highs Friday ranging from the mid 80s to lower 90s, depending on the amounts of sun that can break through the clouds. The pattern shifts back to more of a classic summer late-day scattered shower and storm pattern, with a further decrease in coverage possible early next week as upper-level high pressure approaches from the southeast.