TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — A knock with a mission across Tallahassee. On Saturday groups focused on making sure everyone gets registered to vote, went out into the French town and Griffin heights neighborhoods.
"This is something we're trying to change and it has been changing. We're pretty excited about this," said Bob Rackleff, the founding member of Big Bend Voting Rights Project.
Volunteers with the Big Bend Voting Rights Project and League of Women Voters split up in groups to cover as many areas as possible around these communities.
"We are looking for the hard cases. The people who would not otherwise register to vote, unless you come to them and ask them personally and register them on the spot," said Rackleff.
Spike Gram is new to the door to door canvassing process... but she says if it helps voter turnout she is willing to put herself out there.
Spike Gram/Volunteer with League of Women Voters "It's a great opportunity to have conversations with people, to be encouraging to people, and but a face to the process. It's not a faceless bureaucracy. Its regular people talking to regular people and encouraging them to get their registration in order and vote, said Spike Gram, a Volunteer with League of Women Voters.
Most of the people they came in contact with were supportive of the movement.
"I think its a good idea. Some people don't really have information on it, unless you come to them with information. So I think it's really helpful. Some people would just not vote," said Tiandra Douglass, a Good Bread Hills resident.
A day well spent making sure everyone's voices are heard.