PAPILLION, NE (WOWT/CNN) - A Nebraska mom is concerned after a device that’s supposed to keep her child safe could potentially be doing the opposite.
The pink watch that 7-year-old Makenna Berney wears is a location and contact device so that her mom can keep a close watch.
"If she doesn't answer within 10 seconds it automatically answers, so I can hear the background just to make sure everything is okay. “said Tiffany Berney, the girl’s mother.
On her way to school Thursday, Makenna's gadget began playing messages from voices she'd never heard.
"I got a phone call from her saying that her watch was making funny noises and there's weird people talking to her on it. I was like, 'oh, she's overreacting. My oldest has her spooked about something.' then she had played it and was telling me about it and I was like that's legit," said Berney.
Strange, luring voices from a man were coming from the watch.
Local media reached out to the maker of the watch to find out if it could have been hacked.
They learned that the issue could be with an accompanying mobile app.
But the company isn't sure how an unauthorized party could contact the device.
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