

92 year old man delivers Meals on Wheels


CASPER RIVERTON WY, (KTWO/CNN) - Elmer Hoke is built for the long race, delivering Meals on Wheels well into his tenth decade of life.

Hoke’s community service has not gone unnoticed.

Jamie Loveall with Meals on Wheels, recalls seeing Hoke every day.

"I started here almost 15 years ago and Elmer's been here since I started,” said Loveall. “You see some driver's once a week; some, every other week. Elmer's here every day."

When asked why he does it, Hoke refers to his faith.

"Well, I don't know. It could possibly be maybe your church upbringing. he said. “In church, you're supposed to help your neighbor."

Organizers for Meals on Wheels said, it’s drivers like Elmer that provide a vital service for the organization.

"I always tease, if you don't know Elmer, you haven't been here enough,” said Loveall.

Hoke shows no signs of quitting just yet.

"As long as I’ve got driver’s license and are able to get around, I enjoy doing it," said Hoke.

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