CLINTONVILLE, WI (WFRV/CNN) - Police are investigating the death of a 4-year-old Wisconsin girl.
Neighbors said they heard a loud blast around 10:30 p.m. local time Monday and, shortly after, the sound of sirens.
First responders found the child severely injured from the chest to the neck, as a result of a fireworks accident. The child's father told police he had configured a bunch of sparkler-type fireworks inside a metal tube.
"His goal was to make a shower of sparks, much like a lawn fountain or something of that nature and stated that he had done this before with that type of success," said Chief James Beggs with Clintonville police. "When he did it this time, something changed drastically, and it caused an explosion."
The chief of police said an autopsy is being performed.
They will consult with the Waupaca County district attorney to decide if charges will be filed against the father.
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