RIPLEY, NY (WJET/CNN) - Everybody cries at weddings, right?
The video of a 4-year-old boy bursting into tears at a wedding Saturday may have caused a few more people than usual to tear up.
The boy's dad was marrying his stepmom, and apparently her written tribute to him was so touching he couldn't hold back tears.
The boy’s father, Joshua Newville, is a marine, and his stepmom, Emily Leehan, is a senior airman.
"I may not have given you the gift of life, but life surely gave me the gift of you," Leehan said as she ended the vow.
On Facebook, the 4-year-old’s birth mother wrote, "As his mother, I can say that she is an amazing stepmother to him. I'm so thankful I can trust her to be there when I cannot be."
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