

Woman writes letter to Pres. Trump everyday for 1 year


SHARPSVILLE, PA (WKBN/CNN) - Alanna Kane, a 47-year-old Mercer County 911 dispatcher, sat at the kitchen table of her home and read some of the 313 letters she sent to Pres. Donald Trump.

"Who exactly is this bill helping, I mean other than the CEO's of health insurance companies and people who already make enough to afford decent health care," she read from one of her letters.

Kane composed the letters on a computer, but she sent the president handwritten letters on stationary. She mailed them in Kraft paper envelopes to make then stand out

"I’ve got all kinds of advice in here. Environmental advice, energy, DACA, tax reform, health care reform, anything. There was no shortage of things to write about," she said.

And when Trump did something right, Kane complimented him. Like when Doug Jones beat Roy Moore in Alabama.

"His responding tweet with that was classy. I said ‘dare I say classy. I'd like to see more of that.’"

The White House sent back nine responses, all with Trump's signature. Some were a simple thank you and others explained the president's position on an issue.

Kane doesn't know if the president himself ever read them.

"I didn't want to come across as divisive or confrontational, but I wanted to be honest," she said. “Thankfully I'm done. This was exhausting."

Copyright Alanna Kane, WKBN via CNN. All rights reserved.