

Vietnam veteran's ring returned after 11 years


DEVENPORT, IA (WHBF/CNN) - The ring of a Vietnam veteran will be returned to its owner after it was lost over a decade ago.

Eugene Munson's ring showed up 11 years later in the parking lot of a Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

Munson, of Indiana, said he'd never been to Iowa and it was the last place he ever imagined it would show up.

The store posted the ring on their Facebook page on Jan. 12 and it received more than 12,000 shares.

"We're always happy to help people out and give those mementos and special items back to them," said Diane Schreiner, a customer service manager at the store. "He is a 27-year Air Force veteran, so he's retired military. He was just really grateful and grateful to everyone who took the time and made their efforts to get it back to him."

Schreiner said she's mailing the ring back to him as soon as possible.

Munson said he's glad it was found and is going to have it as a keepsake for his grandchildren.

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