

Threat against Trump posted on elementary school sign

Threat against Trump posted on elementary school sign
and last updated

BETHESDA, MD (WJLA/CNN) – A community in Maryland is shocked and outraged after someone posted a threat against President Donald Trump on the sign outside an elementary school.

Schools are out for the summer in Bethesda, MD, but the marquee in the front yard of Wood Acres Elementary School featured a threatening message: “Ew, Trump! Murder his [expletive].”

Neighbor Andrew Johnson saw the sign and took quick action.

"It was unlocked, and so I lifted it up. I removed the letters and neatly stacked them next to where the board is,” he said.

Johnson has been living in the community, which is filled with young kids and families, for nearly 30 years. He says no matter your politics, a threat against the president and offensive language have no place in our society.

"It wouldn't have mattered if it was Trump, Obama, Clinton, Bush. It was a threat, and you know, it's something – you have young kids right across the street. You don't want them seeing that kind of messaging,” Johnson said.

Montgomery County Schools says someone broke into the building where the sign’s letters are kept and used them to create the words.

The police were notified of the incident.

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