

The worst computer password of the year is, count with us: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


(CNN) – Guessing the worst computer password of 2017 is as easy as “123456.”

Yes, it’s an oldie, but a goodie on this pre-Christmas naughty list.

Come on, people. Let’s show some originality.

Password management provider Splashdata puts together this annual ranking of most-commonly hacked password choices.

Speaking of "password,” that took the No. 2 spot.

"12345678" and "qwerty" came in third and fourth.

These are all perennial favorites, always near the top of the list.

Others on the list include "football," "iloveyou," "admin," "starwars" and "login."

Tech experts suggest using better, more complex passwords. These are good guidelines to work with:

  • 12-characters or more
  • a mixture of upper and lowercase letters
  • throw in some numbers
  • use a special character of two

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