(CNN) - Taco Bell is testing out a new dessert to add to its menu. It’s similar to a quesadilla, but instead of melted cheese inside the tortilla, there’s a melted Kit Kat bar.
The company calls it "Chocoladilla." And the cost? Just one dollar.
The Mexican fast food restaurant chain has already tested out the new delicacy in the United Kingdom. Word is that Chocoladillas will soon be available at certain locations in Wisconsin.
News about Chocoladillas has been trending on social media. Reaction has run the gamut from revulsion to serious excitement.
The final horseman of the apocalypse has arrived in the form of Taco Bell's Chocoladilla, a quesadilla replacing cheese w/melted KitKat bars pic.twitter.com/EErp9fabHS
— Ghostlike Mike Mika (@MikeJMika) October 23, 2017
??@tacobell is not the hero we deserve, it's the one we NEED. Please roll this out nationwide! #CHOCOLADILLA pic.twitter.com/6CPr1RjIFc
— Jack Skellington ?? (@JRussTerrier) October 19, 2017
One potential marketing problem for the company, however, is that the word “la-dilla” in Spanish can mean crab lice.
So they may want to change that name soon.
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