

Search dogs rescue Mr. Kitty at Seattle airport


SEATTLE (KCPQ/CNN) - It wasn’t quite Tom Hanks in “The Terminal,” but for for five days Mr. Kitty was on his own at an airport, left to fend for himself.

His owners stopped in Seattle, on their way to Japan, which is longer than a 10-hour flight away.

The cat got separated from his owners nearly a week ago, but search dogs helped to reunite Mr. Kitty with his family.

Thanks to some legwork from Three Retrievers Lost Pet Rescue, he's back with his family.

"Cats don't like to be found by dogs, of course,” said Jim Branson of Three Retrievers. “In this case Mr. Kitty just talked back to us. He didn't seem to mind.

“We get called to the airport about 10 times a year. The thing that happens most often is people open a crate when they should have just waited until they were in a safe area.”

The airport says it's glad to see another pet happily reunited.

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