

RAW: Art teacher uses US flags to fashion KKK hoods for exhibit


MIAMI (WSVN/CNN) - An art display set to open next week in south Florida is already causing controversy.

The piece is called "American mask," and features three Ku Klux Klan hoods made from U.S. flags. And the bases are shaped like Nazi swastikas.

The works were put in the window at the University of Miami art gallery on Tuesday morning  as part of a faculty artwork exhibit.

The artist, professor Billie Lynn, said she actually finds the artwork offensive, but hopes it will challenge people to think about how some have tried to disguise bigotry as patriotism.

Lynn told WSVN in Miami that not all art is beautiful.  "We don’t need more pretty pictures when we’re confronting with a world that’s filled with ugliness and hate,” Lynn said. “I want people to think about it and go, ‘Is this the truth? Is this the way it is?'”

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