(CNN) - The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission was given an award at the Conservative Political Action Conference gathering on Friday.
Ajit Pai was given the “Charlton Heston Courage Under Fire Award” by the NRA for his efforts last year to oversee the controversial repeal of the FCC's net neutrality rules.
With that honor also came a gift, a rifle.
"Chairman Pai, we are giving you a really great award today. We cannot bring it onstage, but being from the NRA, your gift will be housed in our museum with a plaque to you, when you can receive it we'll give it to you,” said Carolyn Meadows of the NRA. “It's a Kentucky, hand-made, long gun, and you'll love it, so congratulations."
Meadows said the rifle is awarded to those who have "stood up under pressure with grace and dignity and principled discipline."
The rifle was not allowed to be brought onstage, per CPAC rules regarding weapons.
Past honorees of the award have included Rush Limbaugh and Vice President Mike Pence.
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