KATY, TX (CNN) - An urban search and rescue team from Nebraska and Ohio evacuated 80 residents from a nursing home in Katy, TX, in the wake of Harvey.
The team used high profile vehicles to get the elderly out.
Floodwaters encircled the Heritage Park nursing home, just outside of Houston and inside.
There were more than 80 seniors in their 70's, 80's, and 90's. Some were frightened, some confused but all were grateful that help arrived.
The rescue workers began the work of getting them out of the nursing home, one by one.
In continuing gale force winds and driving rain, they gently brought them on board military trucks, in order to get them out of the flood zone.
Many of the residents were bed ridden and not in good medical condition.
Doctors performed checkups before they took those residents out to the trucks.
The rescue was done with love, but also a sense of expediency. The currents were getting stronger and the water was getting deeper. The people needed to be out of the nursing home as soon as possible.
The nursing home residents went aboard the truck and sat side by side, getting ready for their exodus, where they would meet up with worried family members.
Many of the residents had not left the neighborhood surrounding the nursing home for many years, but now, they have all left, safely rescued and trucked out by men and women grateful for the opportunity to help.
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