(CNN) - Women who are pregnant may want to think twice before reaching for sweets when cravings strike.
New research suggests that expecting mom's poor eating habits could have consequences for the child.
A recent study found that women who consume too much sugar during pregnancy may increase the likelihood that their child developing allergies and allergic asthma.
Researchers from Queen Mary University in London examined nearly 9,000 women who were pregnant in the early 90's and their children.
The children of mothers who ate between 16 and 69 teaspoons of sugar per day had a 38 percent higher risk of an allergy diagnosis.
Children in that group had a 73 percent increased risk of being diagnosed with an allergy to two or more allergens.
The study also found that moms with high sugar consumption doubled their child's likelihood of developing allergic asthma, which occurs when allergens create breathing problems like wheezing and coughing.
The study's authors say the correlation could be simply due to chance and further research is needed.
The World Health Organization says 235 million people have asthma, and it's a common disease among children.
That number is expected to increase by more than 100 million by 2025.
The WHO recommends everyone limit sugar in their diet.
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