

Missing skier found at airport in CA


SACRAMENTO, CA (CTV Network/KOVR/WCAX/CNN) - A bizarre end in the case of a missing Canadian skier is leaving more questions than answers. 

Constantinos Filippidis, known as "Danny" to his friends, turned up at an airport in California six days after he disappeared from a mountain in New York. 

The 49-year-old was with a group of fellow firefighters from Toronto on an annual ski trip. 

They reported him missing last Wednesday, and more than 140 people spent 7,000 hours and used dogs and helicopters to search for him. 

He called 911 from the Sacramento airport on Tuesday wearing the same clothes he had on when he disappeared. 

"He related to the officers that he had been skiing in New York, believed he had hit his head or had been hit in the head," Sacramento County Police Sgt. Shaun Hampton said. "He said he was dropped by a truck driver, said he slept a lot during the trip here, and did not have a huge recollection of how he got from A to B."

Officers said Filippidis appeared dazed and determined there was a medical issue. 

He reportedly told police he had not been the victim of any crime. 

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