

Lesser known factors can impact heart health

Lesser known factors can impact heart health
and last updated

(CNN) - It's well-documented that things like smoking, poor diet, and lack of physical activity are bad for your heart.

But according to doctors at the University of Michigan, there are other factors that can cause cardiovascular problems.

Pollution for example. Inhaling particles of dust can cause lung inflammation. That can lead to problems with your heart and blood vessels.

Lack of sleep could be increasing your risk for high blood pressure. Adequate sleep is beneficial for your heart. It also helps metabolism and energy levels.

Finally, weather can make a difference.

Bone-chilling temperatures cause arteries to contract, which can raise your blood pressure and pulse rate.

And if you are already suffering from hypertension, heart disease or diabetes, those cold temperatures could put you at greater risk for a heart attack, especially during physically activity.

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