CHERRY HILL, NJ (KYW/CNN) - A man paid off $10,000 in layaway orders to make sure kids' Christmas wishes get fulfilled this year.
Early Black Friday morning, a man who goes by the name Charlie K. walked in during a live broadcast at the Cherry Hill Toys R Us and announced he's paying off all the layaway orders.
"Just, you know, trying to bring some happiness to people. That's really it," the man who called himself Charlie K. said. "Help bring back to the community that brought so much happiness to me and my family."
He ended up covering 62 orders - not everyone's, but still a whopping $10,780 worth.
Many like Stephanie Dawson heard about it and rushed to the store to find she's among the lucky recipients. For her, the gift represents seven presents for the grandchildren worth $200.
"I want to say thank you very much, and I appreciate it, and thank God for you," Dawson said.
Others like Jessica Key had no idea.
She showed up today planning to pay full price for this big box of toys set aside for the kids.
"They come over and tell me someone actually paid the layaway," she said. "Definitely an early Christmas, and I want to say thank you to the gentleman that came in and donated. It's like the best feeling, thank you."
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