

Jail officials look to add drug body scanners


INDIANAPOLIS, IN (WISH/CNN) - An Indiana jail is looking to buy a body scanner to help curb inmate drug overdoses.

Officials said the technology could cost up to $200,000.

"We're inviting these companies in. We're letting them know our challenges and we're letting them present. We're moving forward on making a decision on whether we introduce that to our front door," Marion County jail commander Lt. Colonel James Martin said.

It's not clear yet who would pay for the body scanner.

State and local leaders are being looked to for assistance.

Martin said drug smuggling inside jails is a growing issue.

Earlier this month, one inmate died, and an autopsy found ruptured bags of cocaine in his stomach.

Two other inmates were also taken the hospital this month for suspected drug overdoses.

A body scanner would detect drugs and other contraband inside an inmate's body cavities.

The sheriff's office started a detox unit for recovering inmates to crackdown on drug overdoses.

They're also looking to get more K-9 officers.

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