

Holocaust-denier running for US Congressional seat

Holocaust-denier running for US Congressional seat
and last updated

(RNN) – The former leader of the American Neo Nazi Party will be on the ticket as a Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in a Chicago primary next month.

Arthur Jones, who ran unopposed will be the on the ballot during the March 20 primary, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Jones has called into question the "idea six million Jews were killed" during the Holocaust. A pamphlet on Jones' site referred to the Holocaust as the "biggest, blackest, lie in history." 

Jones will win the Republican primary by default but is unlikely to win in the Democrat strong hold.

Rep. Dan Lipinski, an incumbent, will take on Marie Newman in the Democratic primary.

The American Neo Nazi Party was founded by George Lincoln Rockwell in 1959. Famous former members included David Duke and William Luther Pierce.

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