

Heartwarming photo of boy and cow napping at Iowa State Fair

Heartwarming photo of boy and cow napping at Iowa State Fair
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(RNN) -  A dad shared a heartwarming photograph of his son and his heifer napping after her showing at the Iowa State fair, and the internet went crazy.

Jeremy Milner’s post has almost 2,500 shares and 23,000 interactions. Mitchell Milner, 15, and the cow, whose name is Audri, have spent nearly every day together for the past two months, the Des Moines Register reported.

“She likes to lay down quite a bit,” Mitchell told the Register. “I don’t really understand the bond with my animal, either. She just enjoys my company.”

But that bond was certainly evident in the heartwarming photo. The day of the showing at the Iowa State Fair’s youth cattle show, they were up at 3 a.m. – the third straight day the two had risen early to put the finishing touches on Audri.

When the showing was over, they were both exhausted, so they found a quiet corner of the barn for a quick snooze.

Audri finished fifth of seven entries – but she and her human definitely won the internet.

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