

Girl gets hold of mom's Amazon account, goes on epic Barbie shopping spree

Girl gets hold of mom's Amazon account, goes on epic Barbie shopping spree
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(RNN) – It used to be that kids dreamed of having free reign inside a toy store. There was even an annual Nickelodeon and Toys "R" Us competition that made fantasy reality.

Now it just takes pressing a few buttons.

A little girl in Utah went on the ultimate shopping spree, ordering “close to $400 worth of stuff” on her mom’s Amazon account, KSL in Salt Lake City reported.

Catherine Lunt told “Good Morning America” she told her daughter she could order a Barbie online as a reward for doing her chores.

Katelyn Lunt, 6, did that. And then she did it again. And again. And then a few more times.

In all, Catherine Lunt told KSL there were 10 Barbies ordered, plus pages of orders for other toys and games on her Amazon account. She made the discovery by happenstance, while checking on something else.

She was able to cancel some of the orders, but some had already shipped.

“That first day there was about seven boxes, I think,” which showed up at her home, she told KSL. “And we’ve received about three more.”

A cousin of Katelyn’s posted a picture of the delivery to Twitter, a little blonde girl standing next to a pile of boxes almost as tall as her, wearing an adorably mischievous smile.

“I love Amazon,” Katelyn told “Good Morning America.”

Making lemonade out of lemons, the family donated the toys that arrived to a children’s hospital in Salt Lake City.

Catherine Lunt decided to treat it as a learning experience for her daughter.

“She’s not in too much trouble,” she told KSL. “But she will be in lots of trouble if it happens again.”

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