

Failed implosion at Silverdome sparks cottage industry


PONTIAC, MI (WXYZ/CNN) - The Pontiac Silverdome is still standing, even though it shouldn't be.

The home of the Detroit Lions was supposed to be imploded Sunday morning, but something went wrong. Explosions went off all around the building, but it wasn't enough to bring it down.

According to demolition company Adamo, eight charges disconnected causing the blasts on the main support columns not to detonate, sparing the stadium its demise.

"Without the shape charges going, the structure wasn't going to fall," Rick Cuppetilli, executive vice president of Adamo, said. "It wouldn't allow the kickers to kick every column in so you'll notice a hole in the center that's what blew through."

#Silverdome was the trend of the day, along with #SilverdomeFailed.

The stadium hanging on got people going wild on social media and inspired a GoFundMe page to save the stadium.

There are even T-shirts celebrating the Silverdome's resistance to destruction.

Cuppetilli said there could have been some tampering or accidental disconnection due to a lot of activity at the site.

"We had a lot of difficulty getting people out of here the other night," Cuppetilli said. "We don't know if someone accidentally pulled the wire off. We're researching that still. With the amount of activity before we put police in there, it's possible someone could have stumbled over a wire outside somewhere."

There is no word on when they'll give it another try.

But, if some outside help is needed, Hulk Hogan has offered his expertise. Hogan famously body slammed Andre the Giant at WrestleMania III in the Silverdome in 1987.

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