

Education chief DeVos admits she doesn't know how MI schools are performing


(CNN) - Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is taking heat after a new interview on CBS' "60 Minutes."

She admitted she doesn't how schools are performing in the state of Michigan, her home state.

DeVos is a longtime advocate of school choice, using public money to offer parents alternatives to traditional public schools like charter and voucher programs. 

DeVos said alternatives drive public schools to perform better, but she had no answers when she was asked if school choice was successful in Michigan. 

"Have the public schools in Michigan gotten better?" asked correspondent Lesley Stahl.

"I don't know overall. I can't say overall they've all gotten better," DeVos said.

"The whole state is not doing well," Stahl said.

"Well, there are certainly lots of pockets where the students are doing well," DeVos responded.

"Have you seen the really bad schools? Have you tried to figure out what they're doing?" Stahl asked.

"I have not intentionally visited schools that are underperforming," DeVos said.

"Maybe you should," Stahl suggested.

"Maybe I should, yes," DeVos responded.

DeVos eventually acknowledged that public schools in Michigan need to do better.

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