

DeLorean owner gets speeding ticket for going 88 mph


SANTA CLARITA, CA (KTLA/CNN) – A California man who drives a DeLorean, the famed car from the “Back to the Future” movies, got a ticket recently for going 88 mph, the speed that allowed the car in the movies to travel through time.

New DeLorean owner Spencer White was driving on a freeway near Santa Clarita, CA, with his mother when he realized he was driving 85 mph.

"I looked at my speedometer, and it was saying I was going about 85 mph. My mom, she's looking at me, and she just says, ‘Take it up to 88. Let's do it,’” White said.

The driver says he had only been going 88 mph for a few seconds when a police officer saw him and pulled him over.

“The police officer walks up and said, ‘I pulled you over for speeding. Do you know how fast you were going?’ I said, 'Did you get me on the radar gun?' And he said, 'Yeah I did… You were going 88 mph,’” White said.

White says he and his mother burst out laughing when the officer told them how fast the car had been going, and even the officer was impressed.

“He's… got this big grin on his face like he won the lottery. He goes to his car, and then he comes back immediately and he's got the radar gun. And he says, ‘Hey, do you want to take a picture of it?’… With the car and everything, it was hilarious,” White said.

The driver hoped for a second that the officer was going to let him off with a warning, but the officer said he had to do his job and handed White a speeding ticket for around $350 to $400.

The “Back to the Future” enthusiast said it was “the dream ticket” for DeLorean fans and insists the only reason he didn’t actually travel through time was because he didn’t have his flux capacitor in the car.

Copyright 2017 KTLA, Spencer White, Universal Pictures via CNN. All rights reserved.