EL DORADO, KS (KSNW/CNN) - An 87-year-old breast cancer patient in Kansas is benefiting from an innovative application of an emerging technology: 3D printing.
Luma Day said she had been a picture of perfect health when she discovered a lump. A visit to a dermatologist confirmed it was cancer.
“I had no problems, no health problems whatsoever until that erupted,” she said.
After discovering the breast cancer, Day had surgery and began radiation at SBA Cancer Center in El Dorado, KS. One tool in her treatment was a 3D printer that produces bolus, a material used to focus radiation dosage.
“Create the bolus that matches that anatomy exactly, we’ll ship that over to our 3D printer and it actually prints that bolus,” said Jamie Richards, a radiation oncology manager at the hospital.
Day is one of two patients at the hospital to use the new piece of technology, and Richards said as far as the hospital knows it is the only 3D printer of its kind in use in Kansas.
Bolus molds help in radiation treatments to deliver exact dosages.
“Acts like another layer of tissue and helps to deposit the dose exactly where we want it,” said Richards.
Luma has several more treatments to go and said she’s both thankful and excited she has been able to utilize the printer.
“I think we’re really blessed to have it in El Dorado, Kansas and so far I have no complaints whatsoever,” she said.
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