

Company will implant microchips in its employees

Company will implant microchips in its employees
and last updated

(RNN) – A company in Wisconsin that claims to be on the cutting edge of new technology will be the first in the nation to implant microchips in its employees.

Three Square Marketing, which is a vending machine business, said the chip, which is about as big a grain of rice, will be implanted under the skin between the thumb and forefinger.

The company said on its Facebook page that you are more likely to be tracked on your cellphone than on one of the chips.

The chip enable employees to pay for snacks in the company break room, serve as an electronic key to get into the building and to log on to their individual computers.

The company said more than 50 employees have volunteered to allow the chip to be implanted. Three Square marketing will pay the $300 cost of each chip for the volunteers.

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