

Community evacuates as hillside crumbles further


RIVERDALE, UT (KSTU/CNN) - Below a landslide in Riverdale, UT, is a mess of mud and debris.

"I look at everything and I think, 'How much worse can it get,'" said Becky Meehan, a resident of Riverdale.

Still, sludge slides down the hillside consuming her farm making it almost unrecognizable.

Spring is usually Meehan’s favorite time here but with the landslide looming overhead this is her new reality.

"It has been four and a half months of consuming our lives and you think it'd get easier now,” Meehan said. “Every day, you come down here dreading what you're going to see next."

Friday, she noticed a tree gone, then, hours later, part of a fence down along with it.

Meehan thinks in a matter of a week or two, more will fall.

"You're going to start seeing some buildings go," she said.

Four families atop the hill evacuated months ago.

"A nightmare is the best way I can describe it," said Louis Donovan, whose home is also threatened by the erosion. "If you picture about 200 feet, it went about 200 feet down the hillside there."

He said his family feels helpless as the cliff creeps closer.

Those who live just houses away from the yellow tape watch as the hillside crumbles away.

"It's gotten scary actually. I was looking at a picture of the 28 of December and the slide was where it's now and it's expanded enormously over the past three months," said another resident who wonders how much longer until the homes sink into the mud below.

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