(CNN) - A social media post about ticks left some people ticked off.
The CDC posted a photo of a poppy seed muffin last week, asking people if they could spot all five ticks hidden on the muffin.
It was meant to raise awareness about the small size of ticks and educate people on ways to prevent tick bites.
Ticks can be the size of a poppy seed. Can you spot all 5 ticks in this photo? Learn how to prevent tick bites. https://t.co/ATtrY7YFoS pic.twitter.com/gBm4tw2qmf
— CDC (@CDCgov) May 4, 2018
Instead, Twitter users complained that the photo ruined poppy seed muffins, forever, and some gave a better comparison to ticks, like Morgan Freeman's face.
— Blanket Jackson (@ChristineFox_) May 5, 2018
The CDC posted a tongue in cheek apology a few days later Saying, "sorry we ticked some of you off."
Sorry we ticked some of you off! Don't let a tick bite ruin your summer. Protect yourself: https://t.co/zT2cMR2kKW.
— CDC (@CDCgov) May 7, 2018
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