

Boy saves 1,000 dogs from high-kill shelters

Boy saves 1,000 dogs from high-kill shelters
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STANWOOD, WA (KCPQ/CNN) - A 6-year-old boy's dog rescue operation has gotten so large, he now pulls them from shelters across the country.

Roman McConn, the extraordinary boy who has saved more than 1,000 dogs, is on a mission. Project Freedom Ride started when he was 4 years old and saw a dog adoption event while living in Texas.

"He kept asking why they were there and I would tell him, 'They're looking for homes,'" said Jennifer McConn, his mother. "And in that 4-year-old mind, he's like, 'We just need to find them homes.'"

When Roman and his mom moved to Washington, they took it a step further. They pull dogs from high-kill shelters in Texas, transporting them to the Northwest and into the arms of eager adopters.

"We make videos for dogs and we get them adopted," Roman said.

Adopters fall in love over pictures on Facebook but meet them in real life for the first time. Karen Ray met her new dog, a 6-month-old pit-lab mix named Conan, on Tuesday.

Conan and 64 other dogs were transported in this trip.

"Thank you; my heart is just bursting," Ray said. "I'm overwhelmed. I have so much love for this little boy (Conan). I'm going to give him a good life."

A good life made possible by the big heart of this little boy.

"It feels really, really good," he said.

And his work is far from done.

Not all the dogs on the truck had adopters waiting. Roman will place them with rescue groups while he makes videos to try to find them permanent homes.

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