

Bone marrow recipient meets donor who saved his life


BOSTON (WBZ/CNN) – Two years after a life-saving operation, a 14-year-old boy met a Boston duck boat driver, who’s the reason he’s alive today, thanks to a bone marrow transplant.

Jack Eppley, 14, is doing well now, but not long ago, he suffered from a form of blood cancer. He needed a bone marrow transplant.

"It was really scary, honestly, because I didn't know what was going to happen to me,” Jack said.

Against a lot of odds, Mike Reilly, who is part of the marrow donor database, was a match for the 14-year-old.

The transplant worked, and for the first time since, Jack was well enough Friday to meet his savior in person.

"I really like your beard. You seem like you have an awesome personality and a good sense of humor,” Jack told Reilly. "You're like my second dad now, I guess.”

Reilly says meeting Jack was a must.

"I would have felt awful if I never knew who he was. It would be like, ‘Who is that kid? Where did he go? What's happening with him? Where is he now?’ I never have to answer that question. I can just call,” he said.

Jack’s mother, Kasey Huffman, says she’s beyond thankful for Reilly.

"He saved our son's life, and he means so much to me,” Huffman said.

Reilly and Jack’s family spent the weekend together in Boston, but the most important thing they want to do is deliver the message that anyone can be a part of the donor registry.

"Why wouldn't you do it? Honestly, it's so, so easy to do, and it saved my life. Like, I wouldn't be here if you [Reilly] didn't sign up for it,” Jack said.

For more information on how to donate, visit the Be the Match website.

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