(CNN) - Avocados are a super-popular food, but they now have other uses besides ingestion.
There is a growing trend of people on social media surprising their loved ones with rings inside avocados.
Instead of using a traditional ring box, people are proposing by cutting open an avocado, removing the seed, then placing the ring inside.
?? think I'd prefer mine in a big cheeky cake! #wedding #avocadoproposal pic.twitter.com/TqGl32F3n1
— The Protein Shack (@ShackProtein) February 22, 2018
Many are crediting the trend to millennials.
The trend even prompted its own hashtag on Twitter, #avocadoproposal.
When did avocado proposals become a thing?! I don't know how I feel about this... ???? #AvocadoProposal pic.twitter.com/K7IGRxlUAA
— Jeff Siepman (@JeffSiepman) February 19, 2018
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