

After warm winter, tick population could be large


(CNN) - Summer is almost upon us, and that means memorable vacations and lots of chances to explore the great outdoors.

However, medical experts and researchers warn that those having fun in the sun may be more vulnerable to ticks than ever before because of the unusually warm winter in much of the United States.

Ticks can carry bacteria, viruses and parasites that pass along a host of health problems for humans. Lyme's disease is just one example.

The pest's bites can generally not be felt. It can take a day or two to notice a mild itching sensation where the tick has latched on.

Common symptoms from a tick-borne sickness include fever, chills, body aches and loss of appetite. Lyme disease in particular is known for causing bulls-eye rash.

If left untreated, Lyme disease can spread to joints, the heart and the nervous system.

The first thing a person should do have being bitten by a tick is remove it. The CDC recommends using fire-tipped tweezers and cleaning the area with alcohol, soap and water.

Medical experts say there's no need to visit a doctor immediately unless symptoms appear days or weeks later. If the tick is saved in a baggy, doctors can use it to help identify health problems.

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