TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Coaches and athletic directors across the country are doing their best to keep things as normal as possible for athletes.
In the state of Florida, we don't know the fate of high school athletics yet, but even with the unknown, Florida High is making sure everyone is keeping busy and ready to go if they get the chance to return to action.
"It's very broad in terms of you're an athlete," said Tyrone McGriff, Florida High athletic director. "You need body weight resistance, you need some core training."
McGriff may be a few years removed from his college playing days, but he's made it his mission to make sure his athletes don't miss a beat.
"We don't know what the outcome will be, so we have to prepare and just get ready to be ready," McGriff said. "That doesn't mean we can take breaks."
Florida High is leading the charge with workouts. Three days a week they're taking things to the next level through Instagram Live.
"I grew up in an era where you wake up on Saturday mornings and you see everybody out there working out on ESPN," McGriff said. "And as a kid, that's the first thing you watch, ESPN. I ended up watching all these aerobics videos and see the neon colors and all those things like that, and I said we can do the same thing here so that's what we're going to do."
The same thing minus the neon. A workout geared towards any athlete, and a way to stay bonded through trying times.
"I'm one of the few AD's that keep up with the technology the kids use," said McGriff. "A lot of our coaches, our administrators, our teachers are constantly reaching out to each other. Our students are prepared to learn so we have to be prepared to coach."
Florida High actually has a strength and conditioning coach, Bailey Victoria, who helped put together the workouts.
"I'm looking at our kids Instagrams, they're still working out," McGriff said. "Our teachers are still working. We're fortunate enough to be supported by our state and continually funded. I know some people don't have that luxury to continue to go to work. People that don't have that luxury, we invite them to come join us too!"
if you want to join in, give their Instagram account a follow.