

Sheriff donates cars to Lowndes High Driver's Ed program


LOWNDES CO., GA (WALB) - Lowndes High School has three new cars for the driver's education program and it's all thanks to the sheriff.

The Lowndes County Schools Facebook page praised Lowndes County Sheriff Ashley Paulk after he donated two Ford Crown Victorias and a Dodge Charger to the Lowndes High program.

The vehicles were previously used by the Lowndes County Sheriff's Office.

Teachers at the school said this isn't the first time Paulk has made a donation.

"The three cars are only a few of the numerous vehicle donations by Paulk through the years," said Driver's Ed Teacher Steve Lankford.

Lankford said Paulk has donated about 11 cars to the Driver's Education program through the years. He also said he is thankful for Paulk's efforts.

According to the post, Lankford said Paulk's most recent donation will allow students to have more time behind the wheel. The goal is for students to get about six to eight hours in the car while in the program.

Paulk also emphasized the importance of the Driver's Education program and said he is happy to see that it is still offered. He also gave students advice, reminding them not to speed and reminded them not to drive distracted.

"I can't stress enough, be careful," said Paulk.

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